Embassy of Ukraine in Germany Checks the Activities of a German Non-Government organization in Crimea

Без имени

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is verifying information provided by the Maidan of Foreign Affairs regarding possible steps taken towards legitimization of the Russian annexation of Crimea. (https://mfaua.org/2014/08/20/yaki-zaxodi-vzhivaye-mzs-do-posadovciv-kra%D1%97n-yes-yaki-zayavlyayut-pro-spivpracyu-z-krimom/?lang=uk&).

According to the available information, on August 8, during his stay in Yalta, President of the German NGO "Baden-Baden -- Yalta", Mr. Gerard El, in his speech to the Yalta City Council said that partnerships with Yalta should continue regardless of which state Crimea is part of --- Ukraine or Russia. (http://www.yalta-gs.gov.ua/news/obshchestvo/item/1484-v-preddverii-dnya-goroda-yaltu-po-traditsii-posetila-delegatsiya-iz-baden-badena).

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